
After several months of testing and fine tuning I am proud to say that the Jupiter Farms
CERT group now has another repeater to use in case of an emergency or a disaster in Jupiter Farms.
This is a VHF repeater and is located close to the old Fire Station#14 on the frequency of
145.179 Pl 110.9. The antenna is up 100′ and the repeater is a GE Master II with 200 watts output power.

It has been heard as far south as Pompano, as far north as Port St. Lucie and covers the east side of
Lake Okeechobee. I just finished with tuning it this weekend and it sounds good. Not only do we now
have a UHF repeater but a VHF repeater right here in Jupiter Farms to use any time we like.

Go ahead and test the new repeater out and let me know what you think about it.
Bert AG4BV
Jupiter Farms CERT

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